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17 janvier 2009

Welcome to Newsgena Institute

Thank you for visiting this e-news bulletin. In this web bulletin you will  find the information related to the DRC and  international news of universal benefits. It is brought to you by the Newsgena Institute.


inform the congolese nation and the international community of what is happening  in the DRC in general and the North-Kivu province in particular.

inform the congolese nation and the international community of international news of global benefits.

inform the congolese nation and the international community about the conflicts in the DRC in general an the North-Kivu in particular and suggest news ways of finding a lasting solution.

awake the congolese nation so that they can recognize what they are and what they can do to be what they are meant to be.

Ultimate mission

Bringing the news to each and every congolese wherever he is in Congo in particular and in the world in general

Touching each and every human being in this Univers and informing him/her about NEWSGENA-THE WEEK IN GOMA.

To constitute an information and research centre for the congo-DRC.

17 janvier 2009

The concept of the Kihutu language

Linguistics have studied the Abahutu mother tongue and languages of many other African people in eastern, central and southern Africa. They have discovered that these people shared with Abahutu the expression “ntu” when relating to a human being including Swahili “muTU”, Shona (muNHU”), Bemba, Nyanja,Ndebele, Zulu, Xosa, etc.

17 janvier 2009

The Etymology and History of the Bahutu People, Eastern Congo-DRC

Before 1885, the Bahutu people (formerly known as the Congolese Hutus and discriminatively called Banyarwanda) were living in well structured kingdoms united and led by the "umwami"(meaning the "king"). The Germans are the first western society to have visited the kingdoms.

Newsgena Institute Newsletter Volume#1 Issue #1 NEWSLETTER_VOL1_ISSUE1

17 janvier 2009

Contact Us


Address: Kanyamahanga Blvd

               BP 150 Goma, Noth-Kivu

               Congo- DRC

               Tel: + 243 99 861 0606

4 juin 2007

The Hakizumwami Commission, March 2007

The North-Kivu provincial authorities aware of the appalling insecurity in the province setup a commission to enquire o the roots of the insecurity. It is the Hakizumwami Commission. "Hakizumwami"  in the local language in North-Kivu means " the king is the one who saves lives". This same word might mean " the king is the one who makes rich". The name comes from the words: hakiza ( from the verb"gukiza" meaning " saving ones'life " or "making someone rich") + umwami ( meaning"the king"). Just from these words one can tell i which circumstances/environment the chief of that commission was born. It can also tell a lot what he thinks a king is as the name has a great impact on the human being in the bantu philosophy.

The report of the Commission was published in French ( the DRC is a french speaking country). While we are still working on the English version we want you to taste the original document in COMMISSION_HAKIZUMWAMI to view it. We have reproduced it integraly as published by the North-Kivu provincial authorities.
